Teresa Zumwald is chair of global conference for business communicators set for June 2024

ENGLEWOOD, Ohio, Dec. 13, 2023 – Teresa Zumwald, chair of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), has been working since summer to lead the planning for the 2024 World Conference happening June 23–26 in Chicago, Ill.
Zumwald is the CEO, speechwriter, executive speech coach and storyteller at Zumwald & Company, LLC.
About the PAC
The PAC is a programmatic committee that collaborates with IABC staff to ensure the IABC World Conference is a high-value professional development experience aligned to the needs of the global profession.
Zumwald served on the PAC as vice chair from 2022–2023 and as a member from 2020–2022.
The learning program
This year’s PAC is helping to develop the learning program for the 2024 World Conference, where 1,000 professional communicators from around the globe are expected to attend.
The learning program includes five Spotlight Sessions such as keynotes and panels, plus dozens of concurrent sessions, organized around the theme “Communication Creates.”
As chair, Zumwald is leading the PAC Executive Team of 11 members plus two liaisons, along with a team of 11 evaluators, who are currently choosing Spotlight Session speakers and reviewing more than 200 proposals for concurrent session speakers.
Together, this group will help to ensure that the World Conference delivers “a phenomenal learning experience and unparalleled value to communication professionals from around the globe,” according to IABC.
The PAC leadership team
Zumwald’s term as PAC vice chair began in June after the IABC Annual General Meeting.
She is serving alongside Beth Noymer Levine, past chair, and Mark Evans, vice chair.
Levine is founder and principal of SmartMouth Communications in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Evans is a curriculum coordinator at Texas State University and principal/owner at On the Point Communications, LLC in Austin, Texas.
“This year’s PAC is building on the remarkable energy and momentum we experienced at World Conference 2023 in Toronto,” Zumwald said.
“It is an honor to work with such a fabulous team of professional communicators from around the world and steer one of the most essential programs for IABC.”
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About IABC

Setting a standard of excellence since 1970, IABC is a vibrant global membership association with thousands of members from around the world.
IABC serves professionals in the field of business communication, bringing together the profession’s collective disciplines.
IABC delivers on the Global Standard in communication through educational offerings, certification, awards program, resource library, online magazine and annual World Conference.
IABC supports its community of business communication professionals with innovative thinking, shared best practices, in-depth learning and career guidance.